
User configurable settings to alter how the app works.


(inner, constant) settings

Name Type Description
UI_UPDATE_RATE number Time in ms in which the UI refresh
JACK_POLLING_RATE number Time in ms in which we query JACK server for statistics.
JALV_POLLING_RATE number Time in ms that the app will poll jalv for updates on the monitor and control ports. Lower values means more responsive UI, but more prone to errors.
JALV_MONITORING boolean @experimental Enable monitoring for selected plugin.
LV2_PLUGINS_FOLDER string Location where to scan folders.
SCAN_PLUGINS boolean If false, it will not scan for plugins on startup (use with caution).
SCROLL_AMMOUNT number Ammount to scroll when using page up or page dow keys.
DEFAULT_INPUT_MODE "mono" | "stereo" Define what the default input mode will be.
DEFAULT_INPUT_L string Define what the default left input port mode will be. (jack port name: ex: system:capture_1
DEFAULT_INPUT_R string Define what the default right input port mode will be. (jack port name: ex: system:capture_1
DEFAULT_OUTPUT_MODE "mono" | "stereo" Define what the default output mode will be.
DEFAULT_OUTPUT_L string Left Channel for the master output. Last plug in will connect to this.
DEFAULT_OUTPUT_R string Right Channel for the master output. Last plugin will connect to this.
AUTO_CONNECT boolean Each time a plugin is added its connected to the previous and to the master output. Setting this to false will leave connections to the user.
AUTO_RECONNECT boolean Whether to reconnect all plugins or not automatically after significant changes. If false, user will have to manually reconnect with the button
SHOW_DEBUG_MSG boolean If true it will show several debug information on the Log widget.
DEFAULT_CONTROL_STEP number The value the control will be incremented/decremented when using the standard key (left/right)