Calvo 🧑🏼‍🦲

Calvo is a jalv based LV2 plugin browser and host to stack plugins in a rack fashion.

calvo !connections

Features and limitations

  • Runs entirely on the terminal.
  • Suports launching multiple instances of jalv and interconnect them automatically.
  • Suports launching multiple instances of calvo.
  • Category based plugin browser.
  • No GUI customization is loaded, that rules out any plugin which has a UI based workflow.
  • Autoconnect inputs of system, and every plugin, linearly until reaching2 configured output. Dealing with mono/stereo conversion along the way.

Roadmap to 1.0:

  • Add Midi support.


It uses:

  • jalv to host plugins
  • lilv to get plugin data
  • blessed for the UI.
  • nodejs to glue all together


Modify settings.js with your settings, more info in the docs.

Keyboard shortcuts


  • TAB | Shift + TAB Cycle between each widget.
  • 1...9 Select menu option.

Rack widget

  • enter Select plugin for handling
  • delete | backspace Remove plugin
  • CTRL + up/down Swap plugins up/down

Plugin parameters widget

  • up/down / TAB Cycle through each parameter.
  • left/right Change parameter value by default step.
  • SHIFT + left/right Change parameter value by small step.
  • CTRL + left/right Change parameter value by big step.
  • page_up/page_down Change parameter value by 1/5 of the maximum allowed


Still need to figure out a way to distribute this. For the time being it can be build from source. Make sure to have the dependencies installed first.

git clone repo
git submodule init
git submodule update
npm install
npm start


Dev Documentation is available at:

To build doc locally:

npm run document

documentation will be available at ./docs @TODO: set up travis build to do this automatically